Beyond Mashed Potatoes: Explore the World of Bubble and Squeak

by Furqan

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A British Treasure: Homemade Bubble and Squeak (Serves 2-3 People)

Bubble and squeak is a delicious and economical British dish made from leftover mashed potatoes and vegetables. It’s a fantastic way to transform simple leftovers into a flavorful and satisfying meal. Traditionally enjoyed after a roast dinner, this recipe incorporates the concept of “waste not, want not” while creating a comforting and versatile dish.

What Makes This Special?

  • Leftover Magic: Bubble and squeak is a brilliant way to use up leftover mashed potatoes and vegetables, minimizing food waste and creating a whole new flavor experience.
  • Simple Ingredients: This recipe requires just a few basic ingredients, making it a budget-friendly and accessible dish.
  • Customizable: Feel free to experiment with different leftover vegetables like carrots, peas, or Brussels sprouts to create variations on the classic recipe.


  • 3 cups leftover mashed potatoes (any type of potato works)
  • 1 ½ cups leftover cooked vegetables (cabbage, kale, or a combination are popular choices)
  • 1 tablespoon butter
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • ½ teaspoon salt
  • ¼ teaspoon black pepper
  • Fresh chopped parsley, for garnish (optional)


  1. Prepare the Vegetables: If your leftover vegetables are large, chop them into bite-sized pieces.

  2. Heat the Pan: In a large skillet, melt butter with olive oil over medium heat.

  3. Sauté the Vegetables: Add the chopped leftover vegetables to the pan and cook for 5-7 minutes, stirring occasionally, until they are slightly softened and warmed through.

  4. Incorporate the Mashed Potatoes: Add the leftover mashed potatoes to the pan with the vegetables. Use a spatula to gently fold the ingredients together, breaking up any large clumps of potatoes.

  5. Season and Cook: Season the mixture with salt and black pepper to taste. Cook for an additional 5-7 minutes, pressing down gently on the mixture with a spatula to form a slightly crispy crust on the bottom.

  6. Serve and Enjoy: Once heated through and crispy on the bottom, divide the bubble and squeak onto plates. Garnish with chopped fresh parsley, if desired. Serve hot with a side of your choice, such as baked beans, fried eggs, or a dollop of sour cream.


  • Moisture Matters: If your mashed potatoes are dry, add a splash of milk or broth to the pan while cooking to prevent them from becoming crumbly.
  • Crispy Perfection: For a crispier texture, press down on the bubble and squeak mixture more firmly in the pan as it cooks.
  • Non-Stick Pan Advantage: Using a non-stick pan can help prevent sticking and make flipping the bubble and squeak easier.
  • Vegetarian Option: This recipe is naturally vegetarian by using leftover vegetables. You can add a fried egg on top for an extra protein boost.

How Many People Does This Serve?

This recipe is perfect for using up leftover mashed potatoes and vegetables for 2-3 people. You can easily adjust the recipe to serve more by simply doubling or tripling the ingredients.

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