Home Recipes Air-Fryer Pizza Toastie

Air-Fryer Pizza Toastie

by Furqan

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The Ultimate Craving Crusher: Pizza, Grilled Cheese, and Garlic Bread in Perfect Harmony (Air Fryer Version)

Calling all comfort food enthusiasts! This recipe is for you. It tackles three irresistible cravings – pizza, melty grilled cheese, and garlicky goodness – all in one glorious air-fried package.

Prepare the Flavor Bomb:

  1. Garlic Butter Magic: In a small bowl, cream together 10g of softened lite butter with 5g of minced garlic. Don’t be shy with the garlic – adjust the amount to your preference. For an extra pop of freshness, throw in a pinch of parsley flakes.

Building the Dream Team:

  1. Toasty Foundation: Grab two slices of your favorite low-carb, high-fiber toast. This recipe is all about indulging without sacrificing health!

  2. Tangy Tomato Base: Spread a thin layer (about 12.5g) of tomato paste on one slice. Think of it as painting a delicious canvas for the upcoming flavors.

  3. Italian Herb Sprinkle: Now, add a touch of fragrant Italian herbs to the tomato paste. A pinch goes a long way here, so use your best judgment.

  4. Pepperoni Power: Get ready for the fun part! Pile on 5 slices of your favorite pepperoni.

  5. Mozzarella Marvel: Top it all off with a generous sprinkle of shredded mozzarella cheese (about 22.5g).

The Assembly and the Glorious Finish:

  1. Garlic Butter Bliss: Remember that amazing garlic butter we made? Spread the remaining half (about 5g) on the other slice of toast. This will become the top of your masterpiece.

  2. Sandwich Symphony: Carefully place the buttered toast on top of the cheesy, pepperoni-laden masterpiece in your air fryer basket, ensuring the buttered side faces up.

  3. Golden Embrace: Brush the top of the sandwich with any remaining garlic butter for extra flavor and shine.

  4. Air Fryer Power: Set your air fryer to 200°C (400°F) and let it work its magic for 4-6 minutes. Keep an eye on your creation – you want it golden brown and the cheese beautifully melted.

The Grand Finale:

  1. Rest and Savor: Once the air fryer beeps, carefully remove the sandwich and let it rest for a minute or two. This allows the cheese to set and prevents molten lava situations.

  2. Devour with Delight: Slice your masterpiece in half and admire the perfect marriage of textures and flavors. Take a big bite and prepare to be transported to comfort food heaven!

Tips and Customization:

  • Feel free to experiment with different types of cheese, vegetables, or even crumbled sausage on your sandwich.
  • If you don’t have an air fryer, you can cook this sandwich in a pan over medium heat, just be sure to keep an eye on it and flip it halfway through cooking.
  • For a richer flavor, use regular butter instead of the lite version in the garlic butter.
  • Want a bit of a spicy kick? Add a pinch of red pepper flakes to the tomato paste or the garlic butter.

Enjoy this recipe that tackles your pizza, grilled cheese, and garlic bread cravings all at once!

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